Playlists Panel
The playlists panel lets you create and manage playlists. Playlists are lists containing artists, albums, tracks or Youtubes. You can play playlists in order or randomly.
- The Playlist picker lets you select the current playlist.
- You start playing the playlist by clicking the Play button next to any item in the list.
- Initially there are seven empty playlists named after colours - you can rename these.
- The Playlist Menu button lets you create, rename, delete and combine playlists
- You can assign playlists to presets with the Playlist menu so you can assign them to buttons.
- The Playlist Item Menu button lets you move or delete individual playlist items.
- If you have a mouse you can also drag playlist items to rearrange.
- You can add artists, albums, tracks and Youtubes to a Playlist from many places in the web UI where you see the menu icon next to an item. The new item will be added to the end of the playlist.
- If you have a mouse you can also drag and drop these items to a particular point in the playlist.

The mobile version has its own tab but operates the same way as the original desktop version.