Experimental Youtube Feature

B2 now has an exciting experimental feature that lets you tap into the millions of music videos on Youtube.

1) Click on the Youtube panel on the Brennan B2 Web UI

2) Type part of a song title (or lyrics or artist).

3) Click the one you want and B2 plays the music.

Seven billion videos to choose from

Think about it - there are more than seven billion videos on Youtube. There are sensational performances available nowhere else - music videos through the ages, TV shows, festivals, choirs, orchestras, TV commercials, amateurs - if you can think of it Youtube has it.

It's cache but its pronounced cash

You can tell B2 to cache the soundtrack as you listen

And then the soundtrack will show up among the regular B2 Search results alongside your music. You can then play it, add to Playlists and even listen to it when there is no internet.


Brennan B2

The Brennan B2 is an ultra compact hard disk audio player with built in 30 Watt amplifier. It can store 5000 albums losslessly. It has internet radio, optional Bluetooth, a Web user interface and it can play and rip CDs.

Love it!

Hi Martin,
You asked for feedback on the new Youtube feature - I love it!
I thought I'd just give it a quick try with one song at the weekend and ended up spending many hours streaming various live shows, songs and albums.
It's really good quality, so much better than having to settle for iPad or laptop speakers. There was no long delay in streaming, just a second or two, and it's easy to use.
Thank you.