B2 Repairs

Your B2 is guaranteed for 12 months. If there is a fault in that time we will repair free of charge and pay your postage to return the B2.

After that repairs are handled by Audiotech

Audiotech charge a fixed service fee of £65 plus parts to repair B2s and JB7s

So for example if the display fails in your B2 it will cost £65 plus £36 for the new Front Panel PCB.

Parts Price List

  • Main PCB £46.40
  • Front Panel PCB and Display £36
  • Raspberry Pi £35
  • Keypad PCB £12
  • CD Mechanism £36
  • Hard Disk - variable
  • Power Supply £45

Email us (if in warranty) or Audiotech to arrange the repair.

The repair is guaranteed for 12 months.

*If your B2 develops a second fault within five years of purchase we will repair for free (not including replacement hard disk).